Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Hello, hello. How is everyone? Today's topic is Etsy. What do you think of it? As I shop more and more on there I am coming to think of it as a crafty ebay. Today I was browsing and I saw these lace fingerless gloves.
I thought how cool. At first I thought she made them out of old lace and then after flipping through the pictures I realized she had knit them. I mean I find something to buy on there every time I look but then I see people who post things they found at an estate sale or a thrift store. I mean I understand that if you don't sell it, it will become part of your collection, when someone else would enjoy it more. I guess it is a different form of ebay it is just geared to a certain demographic. What do you think? Are you an Etsy shopper or seller? Have a great rest of the week.

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